Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Premarital, Postmarital & Living Together Agreements

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With nearly 50% of marriages ending in divorce (and higher in second and third marriages), having a valid and enforceable prenuptial agreement can help guarantee your future economic security. It can also provide financial security for your impending spouse.

For those who are already married, whether you were not able to finalize a prenuptial agreement in time for your wedding or, have experienced “bumps” in your marriage (think: I caught my spouse cheating and want to give them a second chance, but need to be smart in case it doesn’t work out), a postnuptial agreement can provide the protections you need.

For example, in both agreements you can:

  • Designate and keep your current and future “Separate Property” separate for all times

  • Protect family wealth and inherited wealth

  • Define and/or limit what constitutes "Marital Property” and, provide for its distribution

  • Keep business interests or retirement assets separate and/or fix or limit their division

  • Fix the amount and duration of or, provide for a full waiver of spousal support

  • Limit or provide for a full waiver of your spouse’s rights to inherit in your estate

For those who are not yet married and plan to live together either before or, in lieu of marrying, “Cohabitation” or “Living Together” agreements are a valuable option for you. Like Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements, Living Together Agreements can provide protections for both parties in the event of a break-up, including a lump-sum or other payments to the less-monied party, defining which party will move out (and a timeline by which to do so), pre-determining how household furnishings and other personal property will be divided, and the like. These agreements can also take the sticky business of things like how expenses will be paid by you and your partner while living together, out of your relationship. 

At The Isaacs Firm PLLC, we have extensive experience negotiating and drafting both complex and simpler marital and non-marital agreements depending on your needs, and know how to protect you.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to see how we can help.